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People's Voice Survey
Service Delivery Redesign
QuEST Learn
eCohorts to Track Longitudinal Care Quality
Policy Translation
Health System Resilience during COVID-19 Study
QuEST Harvard at HSPH
QuEST Ethiopia at EPHI
QuEST Kenya at KEMRI
QuEST Latin America at IECS and UPCH
QuEST Switzerland at STPH
QuEST India at PHFI
QuEST South Africa at UKZN
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Research Centers
Research Centers
QuEST South Africa at UKZN
QuEST Harvard at HSPH
QuEST Latin America at IECS and UPCH
QuEST Ethiopia at EPHI
QuEST Switzerland at STPH
QuEST Kenya at KEMRI
QuEST India at PHFI
QuEST Switzerland at STPH
QuEST Switzerland is housed at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.
Günther Fink
Principal Investigator, QuEST Switzerland at Swiss TPH
Professor of Epidemiology and Household Economics, University of Basel, Switzerland
Mariia Kuleba
Research Assistant
Emma Clarke-Deelder
Postdoctoral Scientific Collaborator
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Amit Aryal
Doctoral Student
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Consultant, Health, Nutrition and Population Unit, World Bank Group
Recent Publications
Hospital delivery and neonatal mortality in 37 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: An ecological study
Results-based financing to increase uptake of skilled delivery services in The Gambia: using the {\textquoteright}three delays{\textquoteright} model to interpret midline evaluation findings
Health systems and global progress towards malaria elimination, 2000-2016
Quality of clinical management of children diagnosed with malaria: A cross-sectional assessment in 9 sub-Saharan African countries between 2007-2018
Quality of care for children with severe disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Delivering quality: safe childbirth requires more than facilities
QuEST South Africa at UKZN
QuEST Harvard at HSPH
QuEST Latin America at IECS and UPCH
QuEST Ethiopia at EPHI
QuEST Switzerland at STPH
QuEST Kenya at KEMRI
QuEST India at PHFI
Research Centers
Research Centers