February 28, 2024

Survey Event in Laos

A People's Voice Survey (PVS) report dissemination event was held in Vientiane, Laos.

Dr Latsamy, Director of the Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute (Lao TPHI), chaired the two-hour event. Dr. Amit Aryal gave a presentation on the PVS, its rationale and key findings for Laos followed by a Q&A session. There were many questions about the survey with lots of interest and how it can be translated into policy.

There were participants from the Ministry of Health, Lao TPHI, including Department of Healthcare and Rehabilitation, Department of Hygiene and Health Promotion, National Health Insurance Bureau and development partners such as the World Bank, KOFIH, Swiss Red Cross, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Swiss-Laos Hospital project, and the USAID Health Project.

The QuEST Network is excited to continue engaging with policy makers, academics, and felllow colleagues working in the space of global health.