The QuEST Network takes on joint, multi-country health system quality research and skill building to promote impact and build the global knowledge base for health system transformation.
Producing and sharing rigorous and policy-driven research that can assist in the transformation to high quality health systems
Generating global public goods to enable replication and scale-up of new quality measures and health system models
Translating research and promoting evidence-based policies through partnerships with local, national, and global policymakers
The QuEST Network is a global partnership of researchers, national governments, organizations, and development partners, that are dedicated to advancing health system quality research. We are building the evidence to support the transformation of health systems worldwide. Learn more about our network below.
QuEST South Africa is hosted by The University of KwaZulu-Natal
QuEST Harvard is the coordinating center for the QuEST Network at Harvard P.H. Chan School of Public Health.
QuEST Latin America is co-hosted by the Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy and Cayetano Heredia University
QuEST Ethiopia is hosted by the Ethiopian Public Health Institute and co-led by the Ethiopia Ministry of Health and Addis Ababa University
QuEST Switzerland is hosted by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
QuEST Kenya is hosted by KEMRI-Wellcome Trust